Resolving Conflicts in Git: An Architectural Perspective

Ivano García
3 min readSep 18, 2023


Git conflict banner

Version control is an essential tool in any modern developer’s toolbox, and git stands as one of the most popular tools in this realm. One of the most common challenges in code management is dealing with conflicts, especially when multiple developers collaborate on a single project. Let's delve into this from an architectural standpoint focusing on best practices.

Version Control and Git

Version Control: It’s a system that records changes to one or more files over time so you can recall specific versions later.

Git: A distributed version control system, meaning every developer has a full local copy of the development history. This aids in managing large and complex projects with numerous contributors.

What’s a Git Conflict?

A conflict occurs when two (or more) developers modify the same line or section of a file simultaneously and then try to merge those changes. Being an automated system, Git is oblivious to which version is the “correct” one or should prevail, thus requiring human intervention.

Tackling Conflicts: The Architect’s Guide

From an architectural standpoint, ensuring consistency, minimizing risks, and optimizing collaboration is paramount. Here’s a step-by-step guide to handle conflicts:

i. Ensure the Latest Version: Always synchronize with the remote repository before addressing conflicts.

git checkout main
git pull origin main

ii. Switch to Your Working Branch: Isolate the issue by working on the branch where the conflict originated.

git checkout your-feature-branch

iii. Initiate the Merge: Try replicating the conflict locally before attempting to resolve it.

git merge main

iv. Address the Conflict: Use specific tools and strategies, marked by <<<<<<< HEAD, to address discrepancies in the code. For example:

<<<<<<< HEAD
console.log("Hello from feature branch!");
console.log("Hello from main branch!");
>>>>>>> main

v. Commit and Update: After resolving the conflict, update the remote repository.

Best Practices in Git from an Architectural Lens

  • Communication: Software architecture is centered on structure and design. Ensure team members understand and adhere to this design to minimize conflicts.
  • Atomic Commits: Keep your commits small and focused on a single feature or fix. This not only eases conflict resolution but also maintains a clean and understandable history git commit -m “Implemented login functionality”
  • Branching Strategies: Implement a branching strategy like Git Flow. Clearly define how branches should be created, managed, and merged.
  • Use of Visual Tools: Visualization can provide clarity, especially when working with complex structures or multiple collaborators.


Architecture and version control intertwine closely in modern development. When confronting Git conflicts, adopt an architectural approach, considering the overall design, structure, and best practices. With effective communication and a commitment to best practices, Git conflicts can be just another step on the path to high-quality software development.



Ivano García

Systems engineer at @adidas, Blockchain developer, technology and innovation lover